Sunday 19 September 2010

Fashion 2050

Digital Skins Body Atmospheres from Nancy Tilbury on Vimeo.

When technology enters the biological most of us will become uncomfortable, unless you've read a lot of sci-fi comics and becoming giddy at the idea of being a cyborg. This is a video by Nancy Tilbury, a course Director for a new postgraduate Fashion Programme at Kingston University London.
It illustrates the idea of what our person, and to a greater extent our world, could be like if nanotechnology was to enter our culture. One of my pervading questions is will people accept it?
If you've ever seen someone walking down the street with false contact lenses in you have to double take to check if it's natural or not, but if you're part of the culture that already accepts that not every ones eye will vary from grey to dark brown, but fluorescent green and orange can be a norm and not to become medically panicked.
So as we see glimpses of the future we could create do we feel uncomfortable or excited? Protest or Embrace?

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